Aristo/s - informal, slang; short for Aristocrats.
Blue - a drink most favored by the three classes of Garden, although Eden most enjoys it mixed with other alcoholic beverages that best suits their taste.
- Produced by the Gaijin Group but they don’t partake in drinking it.
Blue Diamond - A successful nightclub owned by Kinomoto Nakata, complete with the entertainment works, famous to all three classes of Garden’s caste system.
- Have six levels:
1. Private Office where only Nakata has the key;
2. Saloon, the third most occupied level for it’s bars and dance shows;
3. Red Carpet where the Aristocrats are seen most when coming to Blue Diamond for its formal restaurant and first class service;
4. Underground the most occupied level for its gambling games and tables;
5. Libido where most of the young population of Blight are found hanging out for the loud music and disco, and other, much more, certain activities; and the private level,
6. Harem, only a few are allowed to visit the prostitution house.
Dogs - the Scoundrels’ term for police, cops, or authorities.
Eden’s Favor - a.k.a. Eden’s Favorite.
- When the people of Eden had found someone of their interest they grant this particular favor, proclaiming that favorite as an untouchable, forbidden to be harmed nor are the favorites allowed to develop any relationship with other favorites.
- The Aristocrats don’t just give away these favors.
Furor - (uproar; fury, enthusiastic admiration) A kind of drug that serves as a substitute for aphrodisiac the Scoundrels are famous for creating and selling to the higher class in discreet negotiations.
- First timers of the drug usually can’t handle the effects, and the symptoms are fever, clammy skin and delusion.
Garden - the designated plot of every event.
- The name of the place.
Hybrid - offspring of two different varieties
- The term used among Aristocrat borne whose one parent belongs to the higher class and one from the lower class. (In this case, Takeshi is a hybrid)
Menagerie - (a small zoo) the prison ward of Garden, the Aristocrats called it as such since most of the prisoners are from Blight and are considered untamed.
Noblesse - privileged. Another term for Aristocracy or the nobility.
Purple Eyes - the eye color of the purest blue-blooded Aristocrats, only three people in the story had this eye color; Murasaki, Takeshi and Taki. The Aristocrats’ official colors are red and violet.
Stray - wasted or unwanted.
- The term referred to Scoundrels who are found wandering among the higher levels of Garden.
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